Monday, July 13, 2009

Gad zukes! Project #2

When I harvested zucchini the other day, the other thing I had in mind for it, besides the pickles, was to make a zuke pizza. Specifically modeled off of this recipe, which just happens to involve lemon juice (which is ingenious and delicious!) from my fave new food blog, Smitten Kitchen. I love the recipes on her blog, and I love, LOVE the photography on her blog.

I'm one of those people who buys cook books (and cooking magazines) more for the pictures than the recipes. I have a couple of cookbooks (mostly about bread) that have very little in the way of photos, so they have to inspire me in a different way. But good pictures of food... wow, I love it. The Smitten Kitchen site, in fact, turned me on to a blog called Still Life With, which is solely devoted to food photography and food styling. Absolutely crazy, but I love it.

So, my point in telling you all this is that these food blogs (and others) inspire my photography. As a result, sometimes I just have to bring my camera into the kitchen and record the moment... and then share it with you! And so I give you Zuke Pizza (mostly in monochrome, because that's the kind of mood I'm in).


NW Nature Nut said...

I'm diggin' the food photos. I have photographed a few things in my kitchen for the blog, but I always have a hard time with background. I don't like the whole kitchen showing. And lighting is hard. Outdoors is so much easier! Your pizza looks delicious!

Heather said...

Michele - Thanks! Yeah, I know what you mean about the background and the lighting. It was a rainy day when I took these photos, so no natural light was really available. Overhead lighting (especially fluorescent) is often so harsh, but it actually makes the monochrome shots pop a little better than they might otherwise. Sometime I would like to experiment with some other lighting options. We'll see!